Contacter Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne ?

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Contacting Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne in Switzerland: Bookings, Inquiries, Refunds, Assistance

Contact Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne- Switzerland

Planning a stay at Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne in Switzerland can be an exciting experience, but effective communication with Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne is crucial. In this detailed article, we will explore in depth the various ways to reach the Establishment, whether by phone or email, to obtain information, make reservations, request refunds, or simply receive assistance.

Establishment – Hotels, inns, and restaurant pensions – 1-4XH-89206

Name: Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne

ID: 1-4XH-89206

Type: Hotel/restaurant/bar/dancing

NOGA Code: 551001

Contact by Phone

1.1. Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne Contact Number

One of the fastest methods to reach Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne is by phone. Dial the main contact number – Establishment to speak directly to a customer service representative of Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne.

  • Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne Number: 41228184050
  • Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne Number: 41228184050

1.2. Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne Phone Support Hours

Before calling, check the Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne phone support hours. Some information or services of Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne – Hotel/restaurant/bar/dancing may be available at specific times of the day.

  • Address: 17 – Place de Longemalle – Geneva – Geneva

1.3. Reservations by Phone at Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne

If you prefer to make your reservation over the phone, the staff at Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne will be happy to guide you through the process.

  • Address: 17 – Place de Longemalle – Geneva – Geneva

1.4. General Assistance and Information at Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne

For any general inquiries, such as the facilities at Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne, special offers, or specific requirements, feel free to ask the customer service team as per the requirements of Hôtel de la Cigogne SA

Contact Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne by Email

2.1. Main Email Address of Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne

Sending an email is a convenient option for more detailed inquiries. Make sure to use the hotel’s main email address, ensuring a prompt and accurate response.

  • Email Address of Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne:

2.2. Email Subject

When sending an email, be sure to clearly specify the subject of your request in the email subject line. This will enable the customer service to promptly address your request.

  • Email of Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne:
  • Website of Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne:

2.3. Reservations via Email

If you prefer to book in writing, inquire about the necessary details to make your reservation by email.

Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne – Hotel/restaurant/bar/dancing – Geneva

  • Email of Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne:

2.4. Request Follow-up

Don’t forget to request a reference numbertracking or a reference when you send an email. This will facilitate the follow-up of your request later.

  •  Email of  Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne:
  • Website of  Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne:

Need Help and Practical Information

3.1. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Check the FAQ section on the website of Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne for answers to commonly asked questions. You may find useful information without having to contact customer service.

  • Email of  Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne:
  • Website of  Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne:

3.2. Assistance for Persons with Reduced Mobility

If you have specific accessibility needs, make sure to ask for detailed information about the facilities for persons with reduced mobility.

  • Email of  Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne:
  • Website of  Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne:
  • Address: 17 – Place de Longemalle – Geneva – Geneva

3.3. Special Offers and Packages

If  Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne offers special deals or packages, request comprehensive details to maximize your experience and save money.

Part 4: Reservations, Refunds, and Other Specific Requests

4.1. Reservation Policy

Before making a reservation, make sure to understand the cancellation policy, payment conditions, and any other relevant information.

Hotel/restaurant/bar/dancing – Establishment – Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne

4.2. Cancellations and Refunds

In case of cancellation or refund request, quickly contact Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne to know the procedures and timelines.

Hotel/restaurant/bar/dancing – Establishment – Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne

4.3. Need for Assistance during the Stay

If you need assistance during your stay, make sure to know the emergency procedures and available contacts.

  • Email of  Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne:
  • Website of  Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne:
  • Address: 17 – Place de Longemalle – Geneva – Geneva


By following this comprehensive guide, you will be prepared to contact Hôtel et restaurant de la Cigogne in Switzerland effectively, whether for reservations, information, refunds, or any other need. Proactive communication with customer service will allow you to fully enjoy your stay and avoid any potential inconvenience. Do not hesitate to use all available options to ensure an exceptional hotel experience.



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